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Props Building and Design

Each student is a part of a group that will create a meal from nonperishable materials.  In addition to building your food props, you will also create a presentation of set dressings to show your peers a full vision.  Here, I outline the rest of this task.

The Meal:  You will be given different options for meal themes.  Each member of your group is responsible for building one part of the meal.  Before you begin construction, you must design and plan for the best way to represent your food item.  Each meal must include the following parts:  



Side Dish 


Possible Themes: (If you have a good idea for a theme, let me know and I will add it to the list).  

Date Night

Thanksgiving Dinner

Chinese Take-out

A Picnic Lunch

Fair Food

Fast Food 

Diner Food

Seafood Feast

Mediterranean Meal


The set dressing:

Each student is responsible for creating a design of each of the following components:

The table and chairs

The place setting (plates, silverware, cups)

The linens (table cloth and napkins)

The centerpiece and other decorative elements

Once you decide who will design each element, your group should discuss their vision and how you see each piece working together.  Then, individually, you can go online "shopping" for the items you want.  

Each member of the team will create a Power Point slide with images of the inspiration for their set dressing element.    Please see below for the slides and their requirements.   After the students have organized the inspiration for their element, they will draw a picture of their own design.  Each student will also contribute to a comprehensive drawing of all of the elements together.  

The Power Point

Slide 1:  Title Slide (Must include your theme and the names of each group member)

Slide 2-5:  The menu (Must list each part of the meal, who prepared it, and some inspiration pictures for comparison) side by side with pictures of your finished product.  Please use one slide per part of the meal.  

Slide 6:  The Table (Must include a picture of the table you would use in your setting and a sentence about how it connects to your theme and vision)

Slide 7:  The Place setting (Must include a picture of the place setting, or pictures of the individual piece  you would use in your setting and a sentence about how it connects to your theme and vision).  Place settings include plates, bowls, silverware, and cups.  May also include a place mat. 

Slide 8:  The linens (Must include a picture of the table cloth and napkins you would use in your setting and a sentence about how it connects to your theme and vision)

Slide 9:  The centerpiece (Must include a picture of the centerpiece you would use in your setting and a sentence about how it connects to your theme and vision).

Slide 10:  Write a brief summary of how you worked as a team to come up with your design concept.  What does it mean to be a collaborator.  

On each slide, please include the name of the designer.  

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